Friday, January 14, 2011

Day Seventy-Eight, 1/14

TODAY, we finished our second quarter work and made some vocabulary plays. (Slides)
Today's Song: "Pushing Too Hard", The Seeds 

Also, "Wiffle Ball"

None, but do not forget how to write.

This is the last week of the quarter.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lab instructions, 1/13

So, go to Get your username and password from Stewfa.

Once you are in, there should be a link on the right side of the picture of the red textbook that says "view assignments".  On the next screen, where it says "Assignments due", select "all" from the drop down menu.

There are four assignments.


Then, make a poem on VOKI with this line:
"And if you were a piece of bread,
You'd be covered in mold."

Use this picture as inspiration.

Even weirder, you could write a sequel or a prequel to this strange story I wrote on Ficly.

Day Seventy-Five, 1/12

Today, we went wrote, by hand, a final paper as a semester exam.

TODAY'S HOMEWORK:  Please read "In Trouble" from our textbook, which is available in the "For Students" tab on Blackboard.

This is the last week of the quarter.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day Seventy-Five, 1/11

Today, we went to the library to discuss book papers.

Today's Song: "Howling for You", The Black Keys
The Fourth Book Paper

This is the last week of the quarter.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Day Seventy-Four, 1/10

Today, we did a bit of review for the second quarter in preparation for a few summative exams on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Slides: click here.
Today's Song: "Tighten Up", The Black Keys
Vocabulary Worksheet

This is the last week of the quarter.